
4 min readAug 14, 2023


Shaka apartment in Glasgow © Pinterest

Shaka was born into a family that was always fed by a golden spoon. Livy Kiehl, the mother and single parent are the owners of London largest foundation, the Altama Group. It was the first foundation in London to combat poverty, disease, and injustice worldwide. Known as the Foundation aimed at improving the health system and reducing extreme poverty worldwide and expanding educational opportunities.

However, even though Shaka was raised by a single parent. Livy Kiehl, always supported anything Shaka wanted including his career as a singer in Indonesia. Shaka parents divorced the largest businessman in Indonesia, the fampus hotel owner, Aditama Group. They divorced since he had only started a career as an advertising model who was at the time 10 years old before becoming a singer under CA Entertainment.

Di tahun ke 7 orang tuanya bercerai dan Shaka sudah cukup dewasa yang pastinya sudah mengerti permasalahan di sekelilingnya. Livy memutuskan untuk Kembali ke London dan membawa Shaka untuk melanjuti Pendidikan di sana. Setelah 4 tahun di Universitas Edinburgh dan 3 tahun di Universitas Oxford. Shaka returned to Indonesia to continue his career as a popular singer in 2020 until 2023 awal.

This is Shaka now. After making the music world famous in Indonesia for three years, he chose to rest as a singer and return to United Kingdom as a model under the agency CA Entertainment Scotland. Senyum Shaka merekah begitu membuka pintu apartment yang menampilkan wanita paruh baya yang sangat amat ia rindukan. Sudah dua tahun ia tidak bertemu dengan ibundanya itu.

“Welcome my son,” Sambut Livy setelah menampilkan wajah anaknya dibalik pintu seraya memeluk erat Shaka.

Shaka melepaskan pelukan hangat itu seraya tersenyum melihat wajah orang tuanya lagi setelah sekian lama. “I really miss you, mom.”

I miss you too, my son. You are not much different from what you appear on social media,” Ujar Livy yang diakhiri ledekan terhadap Shaka. Kepribadian Livy itulah yang Shaka rindukan, always talk like a friend.

Shaka mengedikkan bahunya seraya mengikuti Livy yang berjalan masuk ke dalam apartment. “I know, seen wherever I am handsome.”

Of course, because you are my son,” Balas Livy enteng dengan terselip gurauan. Livy memandangi anaknya yang sedang menyiapkan beberapa makanan yang managernya beli tadi. Kini anaknya sudah bukan anak kecil lagi yang menangis karena ledekan kakaknya.

Shaka menghampiri ruang tamu seraya membawa makanan dan minuman. “Sorry mom, there is nothing here yet. I plan to tidy up the apartment next Sunday after all the business at the agency is done.”

Livy tertegun sejenak mendengarkan jawaban Shaka yang membuat keputusannya bulat. Untuk menegnalinya dengan anak dari Akhyar Group. “Shaka.”

Ada jeda sesaat dan Livy Kembali melanjuti. “You know, you’re not a teenager anymore. Your age is not play around.”

Shaka berpikir sekilas sebelum menjawab. “I know where this conversation is headed.”

Yes, that’s right. You should find a partner as soon as possible. I don’t want you to be single.” Tutur Livy yang sedikit menyimpan harap pada anaknya.

Shaka menghela napas pelan. “I won’t single either. But, for now, I haven’t found the right woman yet.”

Mata Livy berbinar mendengarkan jawaban Shaka. Karena memang Livy tida berharap Shaka sudah memiliki pasangan. “Nice indeed! Because mom will introduce you. She is a beautiful woman and very smart. Basically suits you.”

“Jangan bilang yang waktu di WhatsApp?” Tanya Shaka sembari mengingat.

“That’s right! Alianna Akhyar.”

Mom, I’m okay. But, what if she doesn’t want to? And mom said, she’s a child of Akhyar Group means she’s the younger sister of the owner of my agency?”

Livy mengangguk antusias setelah menyeruput minuman yang tadi Shaka bawa. “Ya, soal itu kamu yang urus. But, if you manage to get close Alianna, mami will be very happy. It’s just that it’s back to you, sih. Mami only suggest the best.”

Shaka terkekeh mendengar penuturan Livy. “Behind the words ‘. It’s just that it’s back to me’. Actually mami really hopes that I approach her, right?

Livy mengangkat alisnya seraya mengangguk kecil. “My son is smart.”

Should this be the first thing we talk about after we haven’t seen each other in a long time, mam?” Cibir Shaka mencoba mengalihkan topik pembicaraan.

Livy terkekeh mendengar respon Shaka. “Sorry, because mom really wants to see you have a partner. Incidentally, Mami knows Alianna and her family, who are perfect for you"

Shaka menggelengkan kepalanya. “Mam, really? please stop discussing it.”

“Iya udah, mami tunggu kabar baiknya.” Melihat Shaka yang terlihat sedikit kesal, Livy mengalihkan topik obrolan. “By the way, when did you sign the contract?"

Shaka tersenyum simpul mendengar pertanyaan yang sudah berganti topik. “I finally changed too, for Akhyar Group’s daughter, I’ll think about it again, mam.”

Livy hanya mengangguk antusias seraya menunggu Shaka menjawab pertanyaannya.

Signing the contract in Glasgow the day after tomorrow and signing at the central agency which is in London after that. So, I plan to visit you next Sunday. Tapi, ternyata mami lagi di Scotland,” Shaka kembali melanjutkan. “So I don’t feel comfortable, I should have gone to London, not my mom who came here.”

Livy menggeleng. “I’m just here on a business trip and you happen to have landed. So, just come here as well.”

Obrolan ibu dan anak itu terus berlanjut dari mulai membahas Alianna sampai membahas dunia entertainment dan bisnis.

Shaka in Apartment © Pinterest

